COVID-19 Resources

Take What the Mainstream Media is Saying with A Grain of Salt

While the mainstream media continues to push out information quickly at the expense of often being inaccurate, we wanted to share a few reliable sources of information about COVID-19.  

Hopefully, the calculated and coordinated measures being taken locally, nationally, and globally will allow us to put this concerning chapter behind us sooner than later so that we can all resume “life and business as usual”.

While our thoughts and prayers are always with the sick and the suffering, they are especially with those who are, or who’s loved one’s are, particularly at risk from exposure to this awful virus. 

Also, many thanks to Dr. Dan Eichenberger, M.D. who in addition to making his normal rounds, has quickly become a sought-after expert for podcasts on the virus around the country. Dan was kind enough to share a link to another reliable source with us: is updated regularly by the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) and also provides reliable information about the virus.

“The darkest hour is just before the dawn.” – Thomas Fuller, an English theologian and historian

At this difficult time, and although it may still get darker (or seemingly so) at times, we will get through this as many generations have before, by working together as families, communities, countries, and citizens of the world.

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