How Did New Year’s Resolutions Start?
The ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, about 4,000 years ago. Life then revolved around agriculture, so the calendar started in the springtime when the growing crops symbolized a new beginning. Citizens would make promises to the gods for the new year and if they kept the promises or resolutions, it was said that good fortune would fall upon them.
In 46 BC, Julius Caesar established January 1 as New Year’s Day, so people across the Roman Empire would have a specific date to start planning events. This would be called the Julian calendar.
The ball dropped in Times Square for the first time in 1907. Millions gathered to celebrate this moment as the beginning of their New Year’s resolutions. The idea came from ancient sailing. Sailors needed to know what time it was, but their timekeeping methods aboard the ships were primitive. To solve this problem, there would be a giant ball at the port that could be seen from sea. This ball would drop at the same time every day (usually 1pm) to help sailors reset their concept of time.
Every year people around the world continue to make New Year’s resolutions. If you’re one of them, go easy on yourself. After all, it’s been estimated that of the 41% of Americans who make resolutions, only 9% are successful in keeping them.
Axiom Updates

Wealth and Well-Being
Axiom Certified Financial Planner Michelle Konkle and Caesers Foundation Executive Director Dr. Josh Kornberg led a seminar in December on Wealth and Well-Being. The lunch ‘n learn event was part of a continuing series held in conjunction with Extol Media. Michelle spoke about the psychology of investing, while Josh explained the importance of giving yourself permission to change, fix or accept something that isn’t working for you.

Pearls of Wisdom
Axiom is proud to be a continuing Silver Sponsor of Pearls of Wisdom. The quarterly event, presented by One Southern Indiana, is a breakfast program that gives attendees the opportunity to hear from local, regional and nationally known women who have created their own destinies and success. These distinguished career women share their many accomplisments and “pearls of wisdom.” December’s speakers (pictured here) were Jacquelyn & Felicia Koerber of Koerber’s Fine Jewelry.

Preserving Local History
Axiom participated in Giving Tuesday by making a company donation to New Albany’s historic Town Clock Church. In addition to helping restore and preserve the church, donations also go toward the planning of a new Underground Railroad Center, which is being constructed in a beautiful building next to the church. Click here to learn more about this amazing project.

Investing in Our Community
In November, Axiom CEO Vaughan Scott led a no-cost workshop for members of MELANnaire, an organization that promotes local Black businesses and entrepreneurs. Vaughan shared with the participants valuable information and advice that he developed through his work with Axiom and the University of Louisville. Some of the most critical questions discussed were: “Who is in your circle of trust?” and “What relationships have been most instrumental in helping your company grow and who could be useful in the future?” The event was well attended and viewed as a huge success by all. For more information on MELANnaire, click here.

2022 Tax Form Release Dates
Forms 1099-R and 1099-Q
Delivered or postmarked by: January 31, 2023
Description: These forms provide information on distributions from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA), Coverdell Education Savings account or 529 Plans.
Consolidated Statement & Form 1099-DIV, 1099-MISC, 1099-B, 1099-OID, 1099-INT
Delivered or postmarked by: February 15, 2023*
Information is provided on the following: Dividends and other distributions, original issue discount income (other than CMO/REMIC instruments), royalties, substitute payments, miscellaneous income, proceeds of sales, redemptions and tenders, and reportable interest income.
*Please note that while the due date for investment/brokerage tax forms is February 15, amended 1099 investment forms are often issued after this date. Sometimes your form will indicate “not final” if a subsequent tax document is expected.
Jan. 18 – 1si Workshop: Planning for the Future of Your Business with Axiom
Are you a business owner looking for tools to help plan your future? Join Financial Advisor Michelle Konkle and Insurance Specialist Luke Rother as they help guide businesses of all sizes toward future success. Click here for details.
Feb. 7 – Leadership Southern Indiana Breakfast Series
Axiom CFO Leah Driver will be one of the featured speakers when Axiom sponsors this event. The topic of the panel discussion is Women in Leadership: Thriving in Male Dominated Industries.Click here to register.

Kentucky Rivalries
From archrival teams like the Cats and the Cards to dueling editors, competing caves, and beefing barbecues, Kentucky Rivalries captures the most iconic conflicts in the Bluegrass State.
On display at the Frazier Museum are 179 objects—representing dozens of high school and college sports rivalries plus pop culture feuds and historic face-offs—dating from the 1800s to the present day. Exhibit runs through Sept. 23. More info here.

Grumpy Old Men
A laugh-out-loud story of friendship, love and romance in a fresh new musical. Based on the 1993 film, this stage adaptation captures the lovable, crotchety characters through twinkling humor and the depiction of a small town that feels like home to everyone. Contains adult humor. Ticket price includes: dinner, show, tax and parking. Derby Dinner Playhouse. Jan. 4 through Feb. 12.

Hollywood’s Golden Age
Enjoy the Louisville Orchestra as it presents a program of classic movie scores from Vertigo, King Kong, Psycho, Sunset Boulevard and To Kill a Mockingbird. The concert features some of the most iconic and famous clips from these beloved films. Bob Bernhardt conducts with Michael Chertock on piano. January 28 at 7:30 p.m. in Whitney Hall. Go here for tickets.