Have an Active Autumn
As the seasons change and the days get shorter, take advantage of this great time to be outdoors and enjoy the fresh air before cold weather sets in. Here are a few ideas to get you motivated:
- Visit a farmer’s market (Huber’s Orchard & Winery is a good bet in Kentuckiana)
- Take a Fall foliage drive
- Have a picnic
- Fly a kite
- Make a bonfire
- Play some family touch football
- Hike/walk through the woods
- Go apple picking and bake a pie
- Get lost in a corn maze
- Make a bird feeder
- Plan an evening of stargazing
- Collect leaves, pine cones to decorate the mantle

Eastern Kentucky Disaster Relief
The recent flooding disaster in Eastern Kentucky has left many people homeless and without any possessions. The unprecedented torrential rain wiped out properties that had been in families for generations. Many, if not most, don’t have flood insurance because their homes were not located in a flood zone. Axiom has donated to the American Red Cross to help people recover from the massive disaster. You can click here for a link from Greater Louisville, Inc., listing other organizations that are collecting supplies and donations for the thousands affected by this tragedy.

CEO Honored by University of Louisville
Congratulations to CEO Vaughan Scott, who was selected by students at the University of Louisville as a StudentChampion. Vaughan has been a professor at UofL for five years and is currently teaching a graduate-level course called “Family Wealth Creation & Preservation.” The university reached out to students at the end of spring semester, asking them to submit names of faculty and staff members they believe “went above and beyond their duties to provide exceptional or critical support during the academic year.” Both the President and Provost thanked Vaughan for his commitment to the students and for helping to make the school a premier metropolitan university.

Luke Rother Selected For Leadership Program
Axiom Director-Insurance specialist, Luke Rother, was announced as a new member of Leadership Indiana’s Discover Program. The class of 2023 recently wrapped up their opening retreat, where they learned about personal leadership styles, communicating with those unlike themselves and building connections that hopefully will last a lifetime. Congrats to Luke and the new class!
Oh Baby!
How well do you know the Axiom team? We’ve rounded up baby pictures of some of our star players. The first five readers who can correctly identify all of or the most smiling faces will receive an Axiom gift bag. Just email your answers to [email protected]. We’ll reveal the baby names and announce the winners in our next Newsletter.


Have an Estate Plan That Keeps the Family Peace
Estate planning and the transfer of wealth are not topics to be avoided. It’s important to go about creating your plan in a way that keeps your family members talking to each other throughout the process and beyond. Go here for some good information about what might work best for you in order to avoid any friction among your heirs. And if a family business is part of your legacy, check out the Axiom Family and Business Advisory services we offer.

A Decision Not Made is Still A Decision
Taking the time to make thoughtful decisions about your investments will pay off in the future. By not deciding whether to participate in a 401(k) or not choosing the investments for your contributions, you are in effect still making a decision. Also, an investment you made years ago may not be aligned with your current goals and could need updating. Click here to learn more about wise decision-making.

8 Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement
Whether you are ready to retire now or that step is far down the road, it always pays to plan ahead. Click here to see eight avoidable mistakes that could cost you in the future.

WorldFest 2022 Labor Day Weekend
See the world without leaving the city! It’s the 20th annual WorldFest, Louisville’s premier international festival celebrating the many faces and culures of our diverse area. The event features: three stages with international, national and local performers, a vendor village with 150 booths and a Parade of Cultures. Runs Sept. 2-5. Go here for more info.

Jazz at the Filson
The Filson Historical Society presents “Celebrating the Great American Art form: JAZZ,” with the Dick Sisto Quartet. It’s the second in a series of jazz events.The lineup features world-class players and is supported in part by the Lionel Hampton Project. Hampton was a Louisville native and an American jazz great. Sept. 11 from 3-5 p.m. For tickets go to the Filson website.

Beargrass Creek Canoe Tour
Hop in a canoe and tour Beargrass Creek and its tributary into the Ohio River with guide David Wicks. Paddle along with David as he discusses the local biome and Louisville’s waterway history. Sept. 22 from 9 a.m. to noon. Click here to register.